This Section of this site will teach you how to find the admin panel of a site using termux and linux in your terminal using a simple script
Admin finder is a script made in python which finds the admin panel of a website using both HTTP protocol and HTTPS protocol. It was made by the-robot but AnonyminHack5 has modiefied it to be much better than original one adding more likely possible admin panels to it. Another script which can likely get the admin panel of a site is Katana.
Installation of Admin-Finder is so simple and straight forward
pkg update -y && pkg upgrade -y
sudo apt update -y && sudo apt upgrade -y
pkg install git -y
sudo apt install git -y
git clone
cd admin-finder && chmod +x *
I hope the installation of admin-finder has been cleared up and easy to use, if you face errors during installation be sure to report them to me and i will help you fix them.