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How to cipher and decipher messages in termux and linux

This Section of this site will teach you how to cipher and decipher messages/strings in termux and linux

What is AnonCrypt?

AnonCrypt is a script made in nodejs which ciphers and deciphers messages or strings which makes you send texts to people without them understanding it. AnonCrypt uses AES192 cipher Encryption type and not HMAC (Hashed-Based Message Authentication Code).

How to Install AnonCrypt

Installation of AnonCrypt is a bit confusing but i make it understandable and detailed too.

Watch AnonCrypt Cipher and Dicipher a message

Update and Upgrade your repo
For Termux: pkg update -y && pkg upgrade -y
For Linux: sudo apt update -y && sudo apt upgrade -y

Install git into your terminal
For Termux: pkg install git -y
For Linux: sudo apt install git -y

Install Nodejs, add its respository in your terminal
For Termux: pkg install nodejs
For Linux: sudo apt-get install python-software-properties && sudo apt install nodejs

Install npm into your terminal
For Termux: pkg install npm

Clone my repository

Go into directory and grant permissions to all files

Create a package.json file into AnonCrypt directory

Install the crypto module into nodejs

Install the prompt-sync module into nodejs

Start AnonCrypt


I hope the installation of AnonCrypt has been cleared up and easy to use, if you face errors during installation be sure to report them to me and i will help you fix them.

This Video Shows AnonCrypt ciphering and deciphering of messages in a kali linux terminal
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